Questions tagged [graph-colouring]

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38 votes
6 answers

Grid $k$-coloring without monochromatic rectangles

Update: The obstruction set (i.e. the NxM "barrier" between colorable and uncolorable grid sizes) for all monochromatic-rectangle-free 4-colorings is now known. Anyone feel up to trying 5-colorings? ;...
Daniel Apon's user avatar
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17 votes
1 answer

What is the complexity of this edge coloring problem?

Recently, I have encountered the following variant of edge coloring. Given a connected undirected graph, find a coloring of the edges that uses the maximum number of colors while also satisfying ...
RIC_Eien's user avatar
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17 votes
1 answer

Why are perfect graphs called perfect?

Sorry, if this is a naive question, but I could not find the justification in any of the major text books like Bondy-Murty, Diestel or West. Perfect graphs have many beautiful properties, but what is ...
Arindam Pal's user avatar
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16 votes
0 answers

Is graph coloring complete for poly-APX?

Is the graph coloring problem complete for poly-APX under C-reductions (alternatively, under AP-reductions)? For the graph coloring problem, speaking of a feasible solution means a proper coloring for ...
Hermann Gruber's user avatar
15 votes
3 answers

Complexity of edge coloring in planar graphs

3-edge coloring of cubic graphs is $NP$-complete. Four Color Theorem is equivalent to "Every cubic planar bridgeless graphs is 3-edge colorable". What is the complexity of 3-edge coloring of cubic ...
Mohammad Al-Turkistany's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

How bad can the greedy coloring (list color) for the c-chromatic number of graph be?

c-chromatic number is defined in the paper Partitions of graphs into cographs. It asks for the minimum number of colors used to color vertices such that each color class is a cograph. Cograph is a P4-...
Peng Zhang's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

The Overfull conjecture in graph theory and $coNP$

I am not good at complexity, but got a possible relation between a plausible conjecture in graph theory and $coNP$. Graph $G$ is Class 1 if it can be edge colored with $\Delta(G)$ colors, otherwise ...
joro's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

Complexity of greedy coloring

I was looking at some heuristics for coloring and found this book on Google books: Graph Colorings By Marek Kubale They describe the Greedy algorithm as follows: ...
Jonny5's user avatar
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