Questions tagged [hypergraphs]

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7 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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k-uniform k-partite hypergraph matching in polynomial time

I have what seems like an elementary question, but google didn't throw up any answers for it. I would appreciate any pointers users here may provide. Please note that I have also asked this question ...
Ankur's user avatar
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Are there classes for that FO-model checking is FPT on hypergraphs?

For graphs, there are many classes that admit FPT-algorithms for model checking of first order logic, e.g. the class of nowhere dense graphs by Grohe et. al. Are there similar results for ($k$-uniform)...
embie27's user avatar
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Follow-up on Nair/Tetali's Correlation Decay Tree for hypergraphs?

I'm wondering if anybody has followed up on Nair/Tetali's correlation decay tree construction for hypergraphs. I didn't find anything relevant in back-citation on google scholar. Interesting question ...
Yaroslav Bulatov's user avatar
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What kind of solver should I use for this hypergraph problem?

I have to list the solutions to the following hypergraph problem: There is a set of nodes, linked by edges that are 2-to-1 and bidirectional. The possible directions are either direct: 2 sources and 1 ...
Denis's user avatar
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Detecting bridges in Hypergraph S-t Reachability

Is there a fast algorithm to detect possible bridge arcs in hyperpaths from set $S$ of nodes to node $t$ in a hypergraph $G$. That is, given a hypergraph $G$, source nodes $S$, and target node $t$, ...
Shahab's user avatar
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Error in TAOCP 4a on the bipartite graph constructed from a hypergraph

The first sentence on page 33 of Donald Knuth's The Art of Computer Programming (TAOCP) Vol. 4a reads: Furthermore, a hypergraph is equivalent to a bipartite graph with vertex set $V \cup E$ and ...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
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Is hypergraph reachability definable in MSO?

Let $(A,E)$ be a directed 2-uniform hypergraph and $E$ the corresponding binary relation such that $(X,Y) \in E$ iff there is a hyperedge from $X$ to $Y$. We say that there is a path from $X_1$ to $...
user7680141's user avatar