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Jeffε's user avatar
Jeffε's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
131 votes

What papers should everyone read?

116 votes

Algorithms from the Book

71 votes

Major unsolved problems in theoretical computer science?

67 votes

Major unsolved problems in theoretical computer science?

66 votes

Common false beliefs in theoretical computer science

64 votes

Why is CNF used for SAT and not DNF?

61 votes

How do I referee a paper?

58 votes

Polynomial-time algorithms with huge exponent/constant

55 votes

If you could rename dynamic programming...

49 votes

Major unsolved problems in theoretical computer science?

46 votes

Problems Between P and NPC

45 votes

What are the reasons that researchers in computational geometry prefer the BSS/real-RAM model?

43 votes

How to get a job

41 votes

What is the oldest open problem in TCS?

41 votes

Efficient and simple randomized algorithms where determinism is difficult

34 votes

Small steps for better TCS conferences?

31 votes

The quad-edge data structure (Delaunay/Voronoi)

31 votes

I dreamt of a data structure, does it exist?

29 votes

Long-lasting errors in computer science

28 votes

Have you ever realized you can't solve the homework you assigned?

28 votes

Are there non-constructive algorithm existence proofs?

28 votes

Is the concept of the Turing Machine derived from automata?

28 votes

What is the computational complexity of "solving" chess?

28 votes

Is it sometimes better to not publish at all?

27 votes

Complexity of Topological Properties.

27 votes

Examples of "Unrelated" Mathematics Playing a Fundamental Role in TCS?

26 votes

Does Conway's PRIMEGAME generate all prime powers of 2?

25 votes

Merging Two Binary Search Trees

25 votes

is "spaghetti sort" really O(n) (even as a thought experiment) ?

25 votes

Good practices for writing algorithms

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