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Chad Brewbaker's user avatar
Chad Brewbaker's user avatar
Chad Brewbaker
  • Member for 13 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 3 years ago
17 votes

Empirical results in CS papers

11 votes

Efficiently computable variants of Kolmogorov complexity

11 votes

What evidence is there that Graph Isomorphism is not in $P$?

6 votes

What's the relation between OOP and category theory?

6 votes

Category theory, computational complexity, and combinatorics connections?

5 votes

A good Library for testing whether a minors exists in a graph?

5 votes

Complexity of applying a permutation in-place

5 votes

What are the uses of Limits and Colimits of Category Theory in every day problems?

5 votes

Algorithmic lens in the social sciences

5 votes

What's new in compiler optimization techniques over last few years?

4 votes

Book on Probability

4 votes

Negative results on identical particles approach to Graph Isomorphism (GI) problem

4 votes

Factoriality testing algorithms and their efficiency

4 votes

Algebra oriented branch of theoretical computer science

4 votes

Local Graph Isomorphism to construct Global Graph Isomorphism

4 votes

Finding research problem for PhD(TCS)?

3 votes

Reducing space usage of st-connectivity with multiple passes?

3 votes

Calculating the distance to the kth nearest neighbor for all points in the set

3 votes

Current parallel models for computation

3 votes

Resources for complexity results for optimization problems in restricted graph classes

3 votes

Kolmogorov Complexity applications in Number Theory

3 votes

How to go about finding the most "complex" function?

2 votes

Optimal encoding of $k$-subsets of $n$

2 votes

Approximation algorithm for finding the maximum common subgraph in two DAGs

2 votes

"The Solution Problem" - How to get credit for your work as an undergrad?

2 votes

Do there exist x such that K(xx)<K(x), where K is Kolmogorov complextity.

2 votes

Book for self study of algorithms in group theory

2 votes

Finding the shortest distance in a dynamic graph

2 votes

Finding a minimal context free grammar that recognizes a finite set of strings of bounded length

2 votes

On proving it is hard to compute $g^{rb}$ with knowledge of $r$, given $g, g^a, g^{ab}$