D1 Given a Turing machine M that provably halts for all input strings, M is called incomprehensible iff the following statement is neither provable nor refutable for at least one positive semidefinite real number $r$:
Statement: M's runtime is ${O}(n^r)$ with respect to input length $n$
Conversely, M is called comprehensible iff it is not incomprehensible.
D2 We say that a Turing machine M is efficient iff it has a runtime exponent $r$ such that the language L that M accepts is accepted by no other TM having a runtime exponent smaller than $r$.
D3 We say that a language L is incomprehensible iff it is accepted by (a) at least one Turing machine M is that is both efficient and incomprehensible, and moreover (b) there is no efficient and comprehensible TM that provably (in ZFC) accepts L.
D4 We say that an incomprehensible TM is strongly incomprehensible iff the language it accepts is incomprehensible.
D5 We say that a strongly incomprehensible TM is canonically incomprehensible iff it is efficient.
Q1 Does the complexity class P contain incomprehensible languages?
Q2 Can at least one incomprehensible language be represented concretely? (if so, provide a constructive example).
Q3 Can at least one canonically incomprehensible TM be represented concretely? (if so, provide a constructive example).