Romeo Rizzi and Stéphane Vialette prove that recognizing square strings is NP-complete in their 2013 paper "On Recognizing Words That Are Squares for the Shuffle Product", by reduction from the longest binary subsequence problem. They state that the complexity of unshuffling a binary strings is still open.
An even simpler proof that finding non-nested perfect matching is NP-complete is given by Shuai Cheng Li and Ming Li in their 2009 paper "On two open problems of 2-interval patterns". However, they use terminology inherited from bioinformatics. Instead of "perfect non-nested matching", they call it the "DIS-2-IP-$\{<, \between\}$ problem". The equivalence between the two problems is described by Blin, Fertin, and Vialette:
The 2-IP-DIS-$\{<, \between\}$ problem has an immediate formulation in terms of constrained matchings in general graphs: Given a graph $G$ together with a linear ordering $\pi$ of the vertices of $G$, the 2-IP-DIS-$\{<, \between\}$ problem is equivalent to finding a maximum cardinality matching $M$ in $G$ with the property that for any two distinct edges $\{u, v\} $ and $\{u', v'\}$ of $M$ neither $min \{ \pi(u), \pi(v) \} \lt min \{ \pi(u'), \pi(v') \} $ and $max \{ \pi(u'), \pi(v') \lt max \{ \pi(u), \pi(v) \} $ nor $min \{ \pi(u'), \pi(v') \} \lt min \{ \pi(u), \pi(v) \}$ and $max \{ \pi(u), \pi(v) \} \lt max \{ \pi(u'), \pi(v') \}$ occur.
Update (February 25, 2019): Bulteau and Vialette showed that the decision problem of unshuffling a binary string is NP-complete in their paper, Recognizing binary shuffle squares is NP-hard.