OOPS: this answer doesn't quite work; see the comments. I know how to fix it, but it gets more complicated.
Suppose these bit strings were not vectors but representations of $n$-bit numbers in binary. Then the problem would be NP-complete by a reduction from the subset-sum problem. I will show how to make these vectors behave like they are binary numbers. What we need is to be able to do carries; that is, for every pair of adjacent coordinates, we need to be able to replace the vector ..02.. by ..10.. .
How can we do that? We need a gadget that lets us do that. In particular, we need two subsets whose sums are ..02.. x and ..10.. x, where x is a bit string using new coordinates (i.e., coordinates which aren't any of the $n$ coordinates making up the binary representations), and where there is only one way to create two subsets with the same sum in the new bit positions corresponding to x.
This is fairly easy to do. For every pair of adjacent bit positions, add three vectors of the following form. Here the last two bits are coordinates which are non-zero only in these three vectors, and every bit not explicitly given below is 0.
..10.. 11
..01.. 10
..01.. 01
Let me do an example. We want to show how 5+3=8 works.
Here is 8 = 5 + 3 in binary:
These bit strings give the same sum in binary, but not in vector addition.
Now, we have carries in the 1, 2, 4 places, so we need to add three sets of three vectors to the equation so as to perform these carries.
1000 00 00 00
0001 00 00 01
0001 00 00 10
0010 00 01 00
0010 00 10 00
0100 01 00 00
0100 10 00 00
0101 00 00 00
0011 00 00 00
0010 00 00 11
0100 00 11 00
1000 11 00 00
These sets now have the same sum in vector addition. The sums are:
1222 11 11 11
in both cases.
Because there can be at most $n$ carries in each place when adding $n$ numbers, we need to add $n$ triples of vectors for each coordinate in the original. You can do this by using a new pair of coordinates for each triple of vectors.