considerConsider this "variant" of linear programming:
Notation: $\max\{ x_1, \cdots, x_n \}$ denotes the maximal number among $x_1, \cdots, x_n$.;
minimize $\sum a_i x_i$
st:such that $\max\{x_i\mid i\in J_k\}=b_k$ where $1\leq k\leq m$ and $J_k\subseteq \{1, \cdots, n\}$
forFor example:
minminimize $0.1 x_1+ 0.2x_2 +0.3x_3+0.4 x_4$
stsuch that $\max\{x_1, x_4\}=0.7$ and $\max\{x_1, x_2, x_3\}=0.5$
What's the complexity of solving this problem? canCan it be reduced to linear programming? Is there any efficient approach? Or is there any deep theory behind this problem?
Many thanks.