In Subhash Khot's original UGC paper (PDF), he proves the UG-hardness of deciding whether a given CSP instance with constraints all of the form Not-all-equal(a, b, c) over a ternary alphabet admits an assignment satisfying 1-$\epsilon$ of the constraints or whether there exist no assignments satisying $\frac{8}{9}+\epsilon$ of the constraints, for arbitrarily small $\epsilon > 0$.
I'm curious whether this result has been generalized for any combination of $\ell$-ary constraints for $\ell \ge 3$ and variable domains of size $k \ge 3$ where $\ell \ne k \ne 3$. That is,
Are there any known hardness of approximation results for the predicate $NAE(x_1, \dots, x_\ell)$ for $x_i \in GF(k)$ for $\ell, k \ge 3$ and $\ell \ne k \ne 3$?
I'm especially interested in the combination of values $\ell = k$; e.g., the predicate Not-all-equal($x_1, \dots, x_k$) for $x_1 \dots, x_k \in GF(k)$.