Given an undirected and unweighted graph $G=(V,E)$ and an even integer $k$, what is the computational complexity of counting sets of vertices $S\subseteq V$ such that $|S|=k$ and the subgraph of $G$ restricted to the vertex set $S$ admits a perfect matching? Is the complexity #P-complete? Is there a reference for this problem?
Note that the problem is of course easy for a constant $k$ because then all the subgraphs of size $k$ can be enumerated in time ${|V| \choose k}$. Also note that the problem is different from counting the number of perfect matchings. The reason is that a set of vertices which admits a perfect matching may have multiple number of perfect matchings.
Another way to state the problem is as follows. A matching is called a $k$-matching if it matches $k$ vertices. Two matchings $M$ and $M'$ are ``vertex-set-non-invariant'' if the sets of vertices matched by $M$ and $M'$ are not identical. We want to count the total number of vertex-set-non-invariant $k$-matchings.