Is there a natural class $C$ of CNF formulas - preferably one that has previously been studied in the literature - with the following properties:
- $C$ is an easy case of SAT, like e.g. Horn or 2-CNF, i.e., membership in $C$ can be tested in polynomial time, and formulas $F\in C$ can be tested for satisfiability in polynomial time.
- Unsatisfiable formulas $F\in C$ are not known to have short (polynomial size) tree-like resolution refutations. Even better would be: there are unsatisfiable formulas in $C$ for which a super-polynomial lower bound for tree-like resolution is known.
- On the other hand, unsatisfiable formulas in $C$ are known to have short proofs in some stronger proof system, e.g. in dag-like resolution or some even stronger system.
$C$ should not be too sparse, i.e., contain many formulas with $n$ variables, for every (or at least for most values of) $n\in \mathbb{N}$. It should also be non-trivial, in the sense of containing satisfiable as well as unsatisfiable formulas.
The following approach to solving an arbitrary CNF formula $F$ should be meaningful: find a partial assignment $\alpha$ s.t. the residual formula $F\alpha$ is in $C$, and then apply the polynomial time algorithm for formulas in $C$ to $F\alpha$. Therefore I would like other answers besides the all-different constraints from the currently accepted answer, as I think it is rare that an arbitrary formula will become an all-different constraint after applying a restriction.