I am now considering about studying functional programming from the viewpoint of category theory. There are a lot of books about functional programming and category theory, I want some suggestions regarding some comprehensive books and reference materials (like online notes, courses etc)that would contain category theory viewpoint rather than plain functional programming. I have a solid background in Abstract Algebra,commutative algebra, functional programming and bit of category theory too.
1 Answer
There's no agreed upon "bible" for CT for computer science in the same way as for mathematicians (Mac Lane), probably because the field is younger and a bit broader. It really depends on whether you want to understand . Here are a few computer science concepts with category theory counterparts:
Simple types (which correspond to Cartesian Closed Categories)
dependent types (Locally Cartesian Closed Categories)
Abstract data types (categorical algebras, coalgebras, as described in e.g. Uustalu & Vene)
Programing with effects (Monads, monoidal categories, building on the foundational observations of Moggi)
Ressource aware programing (Closed Monoidal Categories (?))
CPS translations can be interpreted through the lens of the Yoneda lemma (see here for a brief explanation)
I'm missing a few, there are applications of category theory from everything to domain theory to database management.