Treewidth plays an important role in FPT algorithms, in part because many problems are FPT parameterized by treewidth. A related, more restricted, notion is that of pathwidth. If a graph has pathwidth $k$, it also has treewidth at most $k$, while in the converse direction, treewidth $k$ only implies pathwidth at most $k\log n$ and this is tight.
Given the above, one may expect that there may be a significant algorithmic advantage to graphs of bounded pathwidth. However, it seems that most problems which are FPT for one parameter are FPT for the other. I'm curious to know of any counter-examples to this, that is, problems which are "easy" for pathwidth but "hard" for treewidth.
Let me mention that I was motivated to ask this question by running into a recent paper by Igor Razgon ("On OBDDs for CNFs of bounded treewidth", KR'14) which gave an example of a problem with a $2^{k}n$ solution when $k$ is the pathwidth and a (roughly) $n^k$ lower bound when $k$ is the treewidth. I am wondering if there exist other specimens with this behavior.
Summary: Are there any examples of natural problems which are W-hard parameterized by treewidth but FPT parameterized by pathwidth? More broadly, are there examples of problems whose complexity is known/believed to be much better when parameterized by pathwidth instead of treewidth?