Does anyone recognise the following problems? Do they have names? Are they hard?
If we were looking for an exact match (0 mismatches), these would be solvable in polynomial time (using e.g. standard algorithms for rooted tree isomorphism). But what about the inexact case?
Variant 1
- A rooted perfect full binary tree $T$ with $2^k-1$ nodes; let $V$ be the set of nodes.
- Functions $x\colon V\to \{0,1\}$ and $y\colon V\to \{0,1\}$.
- Automorphism $f\colon V \to V$ of tree $T$ that minimises the number of nodes $v \in V$ with $x(v) \ne y(f(v))$ — these are called mismatches.
Put otherwise, the task is to find a labelling $x'$ such that $x'$ is as close to $x$ as possible (minimise the number of elements that differ) and the labelled trees $(T,x')$ and $(T,y)$ are isomorphic.
Variant 2
The same as above, but only leaf nodes can have non-zero labels.