I will give an informal description, and then show how this description leads us to define the complexity class $S_2^P$.
Informal description as a one-round game. Let us first describe the class $NP$ as a one-round game whose participants are you and an untrusted prover. The prover is trying to convince you to accept the input. On input $x$, the prover sends you a message $y$, and you need to decide whether to accept the string $x$ or not. This is most clearly illustrated by thinking of the Hamiltonian path problem: on input a graph $G$, if $G$ contains a Hamiltonian path, then the prover's job is easy: their message $y$ is just a description of that path. However, if $G$ contains no such path, then nothing the prover says can convince you.
Similarly, $S_2^P$ can be understood as a one-round game with three participants: you and two untrusted provers. One of the provers is trying to convince you to accept (just like in $NP$), whereas the other prover is trying to convince you to reject. On input $x$, the provers submit their proofs $y$ and $z$ to you (simultaneously and without communicating between themselves).
Obtaining a formal definition from first principles. Let us try to define the complexity class which captures the informal description above. The end result will of course be to the definition you have given in your question, but the goal is to derive it from first principles.
Let $x$ be the input, $y$ the Accept-prover's message, and $z$ the Reject-prover's message. If $x\in L$, then we desire that some string $y$ is available to the Accept-prover, which we accept regardless of what the Reject-prover tells us; in symbols, we write this as:
$$\forall x:\text{if }x\in L\text{ then }\exists y:\forall z: P(x,y,z)\text{ accepts} $$
Similarly, if $x\not\in L$, then we should heed the Reject-prover's counsel $z$, regardless of the message $y$ we receive from the Accept-prover, so:
$$ \forall x:\text{if }x\not\in L\text{ then }\exists z:\forall y: P(x,y,z)\text{ rejects}$$
If we double-check, then this is indeed exactly the definition of $S_2^P$.
Relation to other classes. The class $O_2^P$ is like $S_2^P$, except that the messages $y$ and $z$ that the provers send, do not depend on $x$, but only on the length of the string $x$.
The class $\Sigma_2^P$ is like $S_2^P$, except that the Accept-prover sends their message $y$ before the Reject-prover does. This way, the Reject-prover can base their message $z$ on the message $y$. The class $\Pi_2^P$ is similar, except that the Reject-prover moves first and the Accept-prover moves second.