The question I am interested in is related to generating random permutations. Given a probabilistic pairwise swap gate as the basic building block, what is the most efficient way to produce a uniformly random permutation of $n$ elements? Here I take "probabilistic pairwise swap gate" to be the operation which implements a swap gate between to chosen elements $i$ and $j$ with some probability $p$ which can be freely chosen for each gate, and the identity otherwise.
I realise this is not usually the way one generates random permutations, where usually one might use something like a Fisher-Yates shuffle, however, this will not work for the application I have in mind as the allowed operations are different.
Clearly this can be done, the question is how efficiently. What is the least number of probabilistic swaps necessary to achieve this goal?
Anthony Leverrier provides a method below which does indeed produce the correct distribution using $O(n^2)$ gates, with Tsuyoshi Ito providing another approach with the same scaling in the comments. However, the best lower bound I have so far seen is $\lceil \log_2(n!) \rceil$, which scales as $O(n\log n)$. So, the question still remains open: Is $O(n^2)$ the best that can be done (i.e. is there a better lower bound)? Or alternatively, is there a more efficient circuit family?
Several of the answers and comments have proposed circuits which are comprised entirely of probabilistic swaps where the probability is fixed at $\frac{1}{2}$. Such a circuit cannot solve this problem for the following reason (lifted from the comments):
Imagine a circuit which uses $m$ such gates. Then there are $2^m$ equiprobable computational paths, and so any permutation must occur with probability $k 2^{−m}$ for some integer k. However, for a uniform distribution we require that $k 2^{−m}=\frac{1}{n!}$, which can be rewritten as $k n! = 2^m$. Clearly this can't be satisfied for an integer value of $k$ for $n\geq3$, since $3|n!$ (for $n\geq 3$, but $3\nmid 2^m$.
UPDATE (from mjqxxxx who is offering the bounty):
The bounty being offered is for (1) a proof that $\omega(n \log n)$ gates are required, or (2) a working circuit, for any $n$, that uses less than $n(n-1)/2$ gates.