(this is a follow-up of my previous question, which uses the 3SUM' problem instead of 3SUM)
Suppose we have a list $S$ of $n$ integers. Usually, for 3SUM, we only determine if there exist $a$,$b$,$c$ $\in S$ such that $a+b+c=0$. That's done in $O(n^2)$, and obviously the same thing can be done for $a+b+c=d$, with $d$ an integer.
Now, I use a somewhat modified version of this problem. Someone randomly picks $n$ triplets of elements of $S$, and for each of them, computes the sum of its elements. Let's call the list of these sums $Y$. That's $n$ instances of 3SUM built on the same set.
My goal is to invert one element of $Y$., i.e. is to find one element in $Y$, along with its corresponding elements in $S$. (To solve one of the possible instances of 3SUM, no matter which one)
I'm looking for a $O(n)$ solution. If we feed this solution some particular $S$ and $Y$ ,and we want to find a particular $d$ in $Y$, it would take the solution $O(n)$ attempts to find the $d$ we're looking for, thus running in $O(n^2)$, which is the 3SUM complexity.
I tried to use randomness in my solutions, without success. Someone also advised me to have a look at FFTs, but I can't see how I could use them in this case.
The best that I can do now, is to have $Y$ built with $n^{1.5}$ triplets instead of $n$, and then I can use the birthday paradox. If I pick $O(n^{1.5})$ triplets at random, I have a constant probability to find the same triplet twice. ($n^{1.5} = \sqrt{n^3}$)