Given a graph $G$, a rotation system for $G$ is composed of two elements:
- $\pi = \{\pi_v: v\in V(G)\}$, where $\pi_v$ is a cyclic permutation of the edges incident on $v$. Thus if $e$ is an edge incident on $v$, $\pi_v(e)$ is another edge incident on $v$, and we say that $\pi_v(e)$ comes after $e$ at $v$.
- $\lambda:E(G)\rightarrow \{-1,1\}$ is a function that assigns to each edge a sign $\pm 1$.
Given a rotation system for a graph $G$, we define a face-walk as a walk in $G$:
such that:
- $e_{i+1}=\pi_{v_i}^{r_i}(e_i)$ for $1\leq i<n$;
- $e_1=\pi_{v_0}(e_n)$;
- $\lambda(e_1)\lambda(e_2)...\lambda(e_n)=1$.
Here, $r_i=\lambda(e_1)\lambda(e_2)...\lambda(e_i)$ and $\pi_v^{-1}$ denotes the inverse cyclic permutation to $\pi_v$ (that is, $\pi_v^{-1}(e)$ gives the edge that comes before $e$ at $v$).
According to Theorem 3.2.2 in Topological Graph Theory by Gross and Tucker:
Every rotation system on a graph $G$ defines (up to equivalence of imbeddings) a unique locally oriented graph imbedding $G\rightarrow S$. Conversely, every locally oriented graph imbedding $G\rightarrow S$ defines a rotation system for $G$.
In the same book, an algorithm is given to trace the faces of the embedding. One starts with any vertex $v_0$ and any edge $e_1$ incident on $v_0$ and proceeds to complete a face-walk. They claim that this will give a face boundary of the embedding. To understand this, I need to see a proof for the following two statements:
- Given any vertex $v_0$ and any edge $e_1$ incident on $v_0$, one can complete a face-walk starting at $v_0e_1$. Clearly a sequence $v_0e_1v_1e_2v_2...$ can be extended indefinetely. The question is whether this sequence will be periodic.
- Each edge either belongs to exactly two distinct face-walks (and appears once in each), or it appears exactly twice in one face-walk.
Neither of these claims is proved in the book.