This post is related to my previous question but takes a different angle
There are several related questions in here
Consider an input-less algorithm $A$ generated randomly using a prefix-free universal Turing machine, like in the definition of Chaitin's constant. Consider $T$ the conditional expectation value of $A$'s execution time, the condition being "$A$ halts"
Is T finite?
Consider $U$ an algorithm accepting input-less halting algorithms as input and producing their output as ouput. $U$ is essentially a universal Turing machine or perhaps a "universal algorithm" since we're assuming all algorithms run on the same "hardware". Consider $T(U)$ the conditional expectation value of the execution time of $U(A)$, the condition still being "$A$ halts"
Is $T(U)$ finite for some $U$?
Obviously, the answer to the 2nd question is "yes" if the answer to the 1st question is "yes". If the answer to the 2nd question is "no", the following questions become trivial
Consider $T_{min} = \inf_{U} T(U)$
Is there $U_{opt}$ s.t. $T(U_{opt}) = T_{min}$?
Consider infinite sequences $U_1, U_2...$ s.t. $\lim_{i \to \infty}T(U_i)=T_{min}$
Is there an algorithm $V$ that takes a natural number $i$ for input and outputs $U_i$ as above?
Obviously, "yes" for the 3rd question implies "yes" for the 4th