Is there a canonical name for the following data structure for list of lists?
Suppose we have got a list of length $Z$ of finite lists $[a_0,\dots,a_n], [b_0,\dots,b_m], [c_0,\dots,c_o], \dots$ of the same data type, but with variable length. Then we can represent them in the following way in one single data strucutre.
Let $P = [0,p_1,p_2,\dots,p_Z]$ be a list of integers, and let
$Q = [a_0,\dots,a_n,b_0,\dots,b_m,c_0,\dots,c_o,d_1,\dots ]$
be the concatenation of all list entries. We demand that for all indices $0 \leq z < Z$ we have that the $z$-th list is given by the entries of Q with indices $q$, $P[z] \leq q < P[z+1]$. Note that $P[Z]$ is the total number of elements listed.
An instance of this idea is the compressed sparse rows format for sparse matrices
I would like to know a proper for the general idea.