In a paper titled "On Deniability in the Common Reference String and Random Oracle Model," Rafael Pass writes:
We note that when proving security according to the standard zero-knowledge definition in the RO [Random Oracle] model, the simulator has two advantages over a plain model simulator, namely,
The first technique, namely the ability to "monitor" queries to the RO, is very common in all papers referring to the concept of zero-knowledge in the RO model.
Now, consider the definition of black-box zero-knowledge (PPT stands for probabilistic, polynomial-time Turing machine):
$\exists$ a PPT simulator $S$, such that $\forall$ (possibly cheating) PPT verifier $V^*$, $\forall$ common input $x\in L$, and $\forall$ randomness $r$, the following are indistinguishable:
- the view of $V^*$ while interacting with the prover $P$ on input $x$ and using randomness $r$;
- the output of $S$ on inputs $x$ and $r$, when $S$ is given black-box access to $V^*$.
Here, I want to exhibit a cheating verifier $V'$, whose job is to exhaust any simulator which tries to monitor RO queries:
Let $S$ be the simulator guaranteed by the existential quantifier in the definition of black-box zero-knowledge, and let $q(|x|)$ be a polynomial which upper-bounds the running time of $S$ on input $x$. Assume that $S$ tries to monitor the queries of $V^*$ to the RO.
Now, consider a cheating $V'$, which first queries the RO for $q(|x|)+1$ times (on arbitrary inputs of its choice), and then acts arbitrarily maliciously.
Obviously, $V'$ exhausts the simulator $S$. A simple way for $S$ is to reject such malicious behavior, yet that way, a distinguisher can easily distinguish the real interaction from the simulated one. (Since in the real interaction, the prover $P$ cannot monitor $V'$'s queries, and thus won't reject based on the mere fact that $V'$ is querying too much.)
What is the workaround for the above problem?
A good source for studying ZK in the RO model is:
Martin Gagné, A Study of the Random Oracle Model, Ph.D. Thesis, University of California, Davis, 2008, 109 pages. Available on ProQuest:
Particularly, it gives definitions of black-box ZK in the RO Model in section 3.3 (page 20), attributed to Yung and Zhao: