A very interesting open problem in the study of complexity measures of Boolean function is the so called sensitivity vs block sensitivity conjecture. For background on sensitivity versus block sensitivity you can look at the following blogpost of S. Aaronson at http://www.scottaaronson.com/blog/?p=453.
To best of my knowledge, the best upper bound known on $bs(f)$ in terms of $s(f)$ is $bs(f)=O(e^{s(f)}\sqrt{s(f)})$. [Kenyon, Kutin paper] But of course maybe it is more convenient to relate $s(f)$ to some other complexity measure of $f$ say $\deg(f)$, the degree of $f$ as polynomial over $\mathbb{R}$, i.e. the size of its highest Fourier coefficient.
The question is what's the best upper bound known on $\deg(f)$ in terms of $s(f)$?