Assume that I have an array $A$ of $n$ numerical values where some are known and some are unknown (with $A[0]$ and $A[n-1]$ assumed to be known). If I want to estimate an unknown value $A[i]$, a reasonable way is to perform linear interpolation: find the largest $j < i$ such that $A[j]$ is known, find the smallest $k > i$ such that $A[k]$ is known, and do a weighted average $A[j] := {k-i \over k-j}A[k] + {i-j \over k-j}A[j]$. In particular, this ensures that the following property (*) holds:
$$\text{if } A[j] \leq A[k] \text{ then } A[j] \leq A[i] \leq A[k]$$
Now, you can see an array as a totally ordered structure, and wonder about what would happen in the case of a partial order. Assume that I have a DAG $G = (V, E)$ of $n$ nodes where every node $v \in V$ has a numerical value $\mu(v)$ where some values are known and some are unknown (with the values of the roots and leaves assumed to be known). If I want to estimate some unknown $\mu(v)$, it seems that I should interpolate it out of the values of the closest ancestors and descendents of $v$ whose values are known. The question is: what should we do, exactly? Is there a generalization of linear interpolation in this setting?
[Here is a possible choice: for every couple $(u, w)$ of ancestors and descendents of $v$, perform linear interpolation along all the possible chains between $u$, $v$ and $w$ to get a value for $v$, and average all the values over all chains and ancestor-descendent pairs to get your final estimate. Is this the correct way to do things? Can this estimation be computed more efficiently than with this definition? (i.e., could we do it in linear time in the size of the neighborhood of $v$ under consideration, rather than in a quadratic way?). Do we still have some variant of property (*)? (note that, even if you assume monotonicity, i.e. for each ancestor-descendent couple $(u, w)$ you assume $\mu(u) \leq \mu(w)$, then the estimation $\mu(v)$ obtained by the previous process may still violate monotonicity, i.e. $\mu(v) > \mu(u)$ for some ancestor $u$ of $v$)]