The following question is related to the optimality of the Bellman-Ford $s$-$t$ shortest path dynamic programming algorithm (see this post for a connection). Also, a positive answer would imply that the minimal size of a monotone nondeterministic branching program for the STCONN problem is $\Theta(n^3)$.
Let $G$ be a DAG (directed acyclic graph) with one source node $s$ and one target node $t$. A $k$-cut is a set of edges, whose removal destroys all $s$-$t$ paths of length $\geq k$; we assume that there are such paths in $G$. Note that shorter $s$-$t$ paths need not be destroyed.
Question: Does $G$ must have at least (about) $k$ disjoint $k$-cuts?
If there are no $s$-$t$ paths shorter than $k$, the answer is YES, because we have the following known min-max fact (a dual to Menger’s theorem) attributed to Robacker$\ast$. An $s$-$t$ cut is a $k$-cut for $k=1$ (destroys all $s$-$t$ paths).
Fact: In any directed graph, the maximum number of edge-disjoint $s$-$t$ cuts is equal to the minimum length of an $s$-$t$ path.
Note that this holds even if the graph is not acyclic.
Proof: Trivially, the minimum is at least the maximum, since each $s$-$t$ path intersects each $s$-$t$ cut in an edge. To see equality, let $d(u)$ be the length of a shortest path from $s$ to $u$. Let $U_r=\{u\colon d(u)=r\}$, for $r = 1,\ldots, d(t)$, and let $E_r$ be the set of edges leaving $U_r$. It is clear that the sets $E_r$ are disjoint, because the sets $U_r$ are such. So, it remains to show that each $E_r$ is an $s$-$t$ cut. To show this, take an arbitrary $s$-$t$ path $p=(u_1, u_2, \ldots,u_m)$ with $u_1=s$ and $u_m=t$. Since $d(u_{i+1})\leq d(u_i)+1$, the sequence of distances $d(u_1),\ldots,d(u_m)$ must reach the value $d(u_m)=d(t)$ by starting at $d(u_1)=d(s)=0$ and increasing the value by at most $1$ in each step. If some value $d(u_i)$ is decreased , then we must reach value $d(u_i)$ latter. So, there must be a $j$ where a jump from $d(u_j)=r$ to $d(u_{j+1})=r+1$ happens, meaning the edge $(u_j,u_{j+1})$ belongs to $E_r$, as desired. Q.E.D.
But what if there are also shorter (than $k$) paths? Any hint/reference?
$^{\ast}$ J.T. Robacker, Min-Max Theorems on Shortest Chains and Disjoint Cuts of a Network, Research Memorandum RM-1660, The RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, California, [12 Jan- uary] 1956.
EDIT (a day later): Via a short and very nice argument, David Eppstein answered the original question above in negative: the complete DAG $T_n$ (a transitive tournament) cannot have more than four disjoint $k$-cuts! In fact, he proves the following interesting structural fact, for $k$ about $\sqrt{n}$. A cut is pure if it contains no edges incident to $s$ or to $t$.
Every pure $k$-cut in $T_n$ contains a path of length $k$.
This, in particular, implies that every two pure $k$-cuts must intersect! But perhaps there still are many pure $k$-cuts that do not overlap "too much". Hence, a relaxed question (the consequences for STCONN would be the same):
Question 2: If every pure $k$-cut has $\geq M$ edges, does then the graph must have about $\Omega(k\cdot M)$ edges?
The connection with the complexity of STCONN comes from the result of Erdős and Gallai that one has to remove all but $(k-1)m/2$ edges from (undirected) $K_m$ in order to destroy all paths of length $k$.
EDIT 2: I now asked Question 2 at mathoverflow.