
Process Logic is a modal logic allowing to reason about temporal properties of programs. Its formulae take the form similar to (Propositional) Dynamic Logic $[P]\phi$, with $P$ being a program (think regular expression) and $\phi$ being another process logic formula, however unlike PDL, it can contain temporal LTL-style modalities. Unlike LTL, the formulae are read as follows "along traces resulting from execution of $P$, $\phi$ holds", or plainly "during execution of $P$, $\phi$ holds". Temporal modalities correspond to an extension of LTL with a chop and slice operators.

I am interested in a fragment of Process Logic where $\phi$ wouldn't be a full PL formula, but rather a plain LTL formula without modalities of the form $[P]$.

Question: Are there complexity analysis results relevant to model-checking formulae of Process Logic, or related formalisms? I am interested in both, the the complexity analysis, as well as some ideas for algorithms for doing it.

  • $\begingroup$ I am confused. Could you give a definition of the fragment you're interested in? Would complexity results about LTL answer your question? $\endgroup$
    – Vijay D
    Commented Jan 18, 2013 at 19:36
  • $\begingroup$ @VijayD: No, complexity results for LTL won't help here much. PL is more akin to CTL* with programs serving as "selectors" of paths on which temporal formulae are evaluated. The note about the fragment is secondary, to move on with this problem, I am interested in complexity results on model-checking for logics which are mixing dynamic logic features with temporal modalities. $\endgroup$
    – walkmanyi
    Commented Jan 18, 2013 at 21:18

1 Answer 1


More along the "related formalisms" direction.

  1. PDL with intersection and converse: satisfiability and infinite-state model checking, Stefan Göller, Markus Lohrey, and Carsten Lutz, 2009
  2. The Effects of Bounding Syntactic Resources on Presburger LTL, Stéphane Demri and Régis Gascon

The introduction section of the first paper has an extensive discussion of complexity results for PDL fragments and extensions. I include the second mainly because you may be be able to encode some parts of your problem as a Presburger extension and transfer some results.


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