Savitch gave a deterministic algorithm to solve st-connectivity using $O({\log}^2{n})$ space, implying $NL \subseteq DSPACE({\log}^2{n})$. Savitch’s algorithm runs in time $2^{O({\log}^2{n})}$. It is a major open problem whether st-connectivity can be solved by a deterministic algorithm in polynomial time and $O({\log}^2{n})$ space i.e., whether $NL \subseteq SC^2$. $RL$, which lies between $L$ and $NL$, is known be in $SC^2$. Hence reachability in directed graphs with polynomial mixing-time is in $SC^2$.
I am looking for special cases of st-connectivity (that are not known to be in $L$) that have $SC^2$ algorithms. Is anything known about planar graphs, planar DAGs ? Note that st-connectivity in DAGs remains NL-complete.