I am interested in the natural generalization of the famous 15-puzzle, where you have to slide blocks until you have sorted all given numbers (usally there is a gap of 1 block).
Now the generalization would be to extend the size of the puzzle from 15 to $p \times q$, where one field is free. I have created a small illustration (the dashed arrows show permitted moves and the lower configuration shows the solved puzzle):
Given an initial configuration of a puzzle, I ask myself the following question:
Decision question: Given a puzzle of size $p \times q$, and a number $k \in \mathbb{N}$. Is there a sequence of $k$ or less allowed moves that transform the puzzle into the solved configuration?
I already did some investigation and found the article "The $(n^2−1)$-puzzle and related relocation problems" from 1990, which shows that deciding my question for $p=q$ is NP-Complete and therefore that deciding my question is NP-Complete (as the general algorithm could also decide the question for symmetric fields).
The question that remains open is if the decision problem is also NP-Complete for fixed $q>1$. I am particularily interested in the special cases $q=2,3$. It also remains open if allowing more free spaces than one field makes the decision problem harder or easier.
All the articles I could find sadly omit the asymmetric case, thus I think there might be no known results about this. As the proof in the article is quite complicated and doesn't translate at all for fixed height, I rather hope that someone might come up with a different reduction/article that answers some of the questions.
Other related articles (to be extended):