I was reading Harry Frankfurt's On Bulls*t, a 1986 philosophical essay about this blurry notion between truth and falsity.
This is not a gratuitous exercise. This may have applications to computer science, since we are always piping data-sets into each other. Some of these data sources may be specious, the piping process can break down, or the conclusions we draw from them can be wrong as well.
One way of approaching Frankfurt's theory may be to express in terms of logical circuits, where the integrity of the gates or the inputs may be in question.
On pencil and paper, we mostly use boolean logic with values $T,F$ and gates $\mathbf{not},\vee,\wedge$. Maybe it is possible to perturb boolean logic slightly to model how circuits are robus or break down with respect to noise.
Do logical theories exist accounting for doubt and uncertainty? Can we measure how much a lie hurts the integrity of a conclusion?
I'm sure that even with a collection of verifiably true or false statements, it's possible to write arguments (and conclusions) whose values are in the middle. Or even to decide if one argument is "more" valid than another.
I apologize ahead of time, if there's no single question here.
Logic is a very broad subject, but I'm not a logician so I'm not sure how to be more specific. Ease of use is a priority, which is why I consider just bootstrapping Boolean logic.
I think that when we "call out" a proposition... the conclusion may be true, but the thought process may be wrong, as VijayD suggests in the comments.
It's not clear if bulls**t is the same as uncertainty -- we may be quite sure the proof is wrong.
I think it would be nice to see an extension of boolean logic, which assigns a value to proofs rather than statements. A proof where all the steps are valid gets assigned a value of T, if steps are faulty, we'd like to measure to what extent the conclusion doesn't follow from the premises.
This idea must have been tried before. A Google search comes up with the notions like heyting algebra, topos, multi-valued logic and even more sources in the comments and answer.