Consider the standard minimum-cost flow problem presented here. I would like to add an additional set of constraints on the total incoming/outgoing flow for each vertex (excluding the source $s$ and the target $t$) as follows: $$\sum\limits_{w \in V } {f({v_i},w) = \sum\limits_{w \in V} {f(w,{v_i}) = } {r_i}} ,\forall {v_i} \in V - \{ s,t\},$$ where $r_i$ is called vertex $v_i$ flow requirement (is there a standard term for it?). Please note that this problem is single-commodity and it is different from the multi-commodity flow problem.
Moreover, consider that all the capacities, costs, flows, and requirements are non-negative integers. Is there a well-known algorithm to solve this problem in polynomial time? If this is an NP-Complete problem, what's the fastest known algorithm and the approximation method to solve it?