Attention: This is a partial answer based on conjecture and hearsay! Whereas David Eppstein's more general problem is NP-complete, maybe this one is in P.
Let us say that a bipartite graph $(A \cup B, E)$ with $|A|=|B|=n$ is "UPMX" if it is extendable to a graph with a unique perfect matching. Here are some necessary conditions for UPMX:
- it must not contain 2 perfect matchings,
- the degree sequence of A, when sorted in increasing order, must be componentwise $\le (1, 2, ..., n)$, and likewise for B. I'll call this the "degree condition."
So far, I haven't been able to find any example where a graph meets these conditions, but fails to be UPMX. In that case, maybe they are sufficient. One might prove this by the following algorithm:
- if the graph has >1 perfect matchings, return "not UPMX"
- if the graph fails the degree condition, return "not UPMX"
- if the graph has =1 perfect matching, return "UPMX"
- otherwise, maybe we can show it is UPMX. Perhaps the following algorithm could prove it:
- while the graph has $\le \tbinom{n+1}{2} - 2$ edges,
- find some new edge e whose addition does not create a perfect matching and does not violate the degree condition; add e to the graph
- now the graph has $\tbinom{n+1}{2} - 1$ edges and no perfect matching, and satisfies the degree condition. I think it's not too hard to show it is UPMX, hence so was the original graph.
You can characterize which new edges would create a perfect matching by using Hall's theorem, and it is not hard to characterize which new edges would violate the degree bound. Unfortunately, even if it's true that an edge of the right type always exists, I have not been able to prove it.