I am reading the appendix about ACC lower bounds for NEXP in Arora and Barak's Computational Complexity book. http://www.cs.princeton.edu/theory/uploads/Compbook/accnexp.pdf One of the key lemmas is a transformation from $ACC^{0}$ circuits to multilinear polynomials over the integers with polylogarithmic degree and quasipolynomial coefficients, or equivalently, the circuit class $SYM^{+}$, which is the class of depth two circuits with quasipolynomially many AND gates at its bottom level with polylogarithmic fan-in, and a symmetric gate at the top level.
In the appendix to the textbook, this transformation has three steps, assuming that the gate set consists of OR, mod $2$, mod $3$, and the constant $1$. The first step is to reduce the fan-in of the OR gates to polylogarithmic order.
Using the Valiant–Vazirani Isolation Lemma, the authors obtain that given an OR gate over $2^{k}$ inputs of the form $OR (x_{1},...,x_{2^{k}})$, , if we pick $h$ to be a pairwise independent hash function, from $[2^{k}]$ to $\{ 0,1 \}$, then for any nonzero $x \in \{0,1\}^{2^{k}}$,with probability at least $1/(10k)$ it will hold that $\Sigma_{i:h (i) =1} x_{i} \mbox{mod } 2$.
Isn't the probability of $\Sigma_{i:h (i) =1} x_{i} \mbox{mod } 2$ at least $1/2$ ? It seems that $1/10k$ is a weak lower bound.
The second step is moving to arithmetic gates and pushing multiplications down. In this step, we will transform Boolean circuits with a given binary input string to an arithmetic circuit with an integer input.
Here they note that $OR(x_{1},...,x_{k})$ is replaced with $1-x_{1}x_{2}\cdots x_{k}$, and $MOD_{p}(x_{1},...,x_{k})$ is replaced with $(\Sigma_{i=1,...,k} x_{i})^{p-1}$ using Fermat's Little Theorem.
Why does this replacement give an equivalent $SYM^{+}$ circuit ?