I have the following problem:
Input: two sets of intervals $S$ and $T$ (all endpoints are integers).
Query: is there a monotone bijection $f:S \to T$?
The bijection is monotone w.r.t. the set inclusion order on $S$ and $T$. $$\forall X\subseteq Y \in S, \ f(X) \subseteq f(Y)$$
[I am not requiring the reverse condition here. Update: if the reverse condition were required, i.e., $\forall X, Y, X\subseteq Y \Leftrightarrow f(X) \subseteq f(Y)$, then this would be in PTIME because it amounts to isomorphism testing of the corresponding inclusion posets (which have order dimension 2 by construction), which is in PTIME by Möhring, Computationally Tractable Classes of Ordered Sets, Theorem 5.10, p. 61.]
The problem is in $\mathsf{NP}$: we can check efficiently if a given $f$ is a monotone bijection.
Is there a polynomial-time algorithm for this problem? Or is it $\mathsf{NP}$-hard?
The question can be stated more generally as existence of a monotone bijection between two given posets of order dimension 2.
Using a reduction inspired by the answers to this question, I know that the problem is $\mathsf{NP}$-hard when dimensions are not restricted. However, it is not clear if the reduction would also work when dimensions are restricted.
I am also interested to know about tractability when the dimension is just bounded by some arbitrary constant (not just 2).