The following is not believed to be true:
$\mathsf{L} \subseteq \mathsf{L}-\mbox{uniform } \mathsf{NC}^1$
Can you help me see where the argument breaks down?
The directed reachability problem is complete for $\mathsf{L}$. I argue that it is in $\mathsf{L}$-uniform $\mathsf{NC^1}$.
The directed reachability problem over configuration graphs of deterministic log-space Turing Machine is complete for $\mathsf{L}$.
The directed reachability problem is in $\mathsf{MSO}_2$:
given $s$ and $t$, let $P$ represent the free $\mathsf{MSO}$ variable for the edges in the path. We need to verify that $P$ contains a directed path from $s$ to $t$ which can be done by verifying that the in-degree and out-degree (in $P$) of every vertex incident on an edge in $P$ is $1$ except for $s$ and $t$ which have in-degree,out-degree = $0,1$ and $1,0$ respectively.
Every forest is a graph of tree-width $1$. In particular the configuration graph of a deterministic log-space Turing Machine is a bounded tree-width structure.
From Elberfeld, Jakoby, and Tantau's Logspace versions of the theorems of Bodlaender and Courcelle:
$\mathsf{MSO}$ formula over bounded tree-width structures can be evaluated in log-space.
The proof goes something like this: For a given structure size $n$, a bound on the tree-width of the structures $w$, and a $\mathsf{MSO}$ formula $\varphi$ with vocabulary $\tau$, construct (in $\mathsf{L}$) construct a $\#\mathsf{NC}^1$ circuit $C$.
The circuit $C$ given a structure $M$ of size $n$ and tree-width at most $w$, counts the number of "satisfying" assignments of $\varphi$ on $M$.
(The histogram tabulating the number of assignments to the free second order variables in $\varphi$ parameterized on the sizes of the sets of values taken by the the variables).
I think the circuit $C$ only depends on the vocabulary $\tau$, the tree-width bound $d$, and the size of structure $n$.
The proof proceeds by evaluating the circuit in $\#\mathsf{NC}^1 \subseteq \mathsf{L}$ but we don't need that part.
For us it suffices to observe that from Nondeterministic $\mathsf{NC^1}$ Computation by Caussinus-Mackenzie-Therien-Vollmer:
every $\#\mathsf{NC}^1$-circuit can be interpreted as counting the number of proof-trees of a $\mathsf{NC}^1$-circuit.
Thus the corresponding circuit outputs $1$ iff the input structure satisfies the $\mathsf{MSO}$ formula.
From the above it seems that log-space is at least in logspace-uniform $\mathsf{NC}^1$