Equisatisfiability can be achieved in the following manner (reduction from 2SAT to HornSAT). So $(p \lor q)$ can also be reduced to a Horn formula in this manner. Thanks to Joshua Gorchow for pointing out this reduction.
Input: A 2-SAT formula $\phi$, with clauses $C_1,\dots,C_k$ on variables $x_1,\dots,x_n$.
Construct a Horn formula $Q$ as follows:
There will be $4\binom n2+ 2n + 1$ new variables, one for every possible
possible 2-cnf clause on the $x$ variables with at most 2 literals (Not
only the $C_i$ clauses in $\phi$) -- this is including unit clauses and the
empty clause. The new variable corresponding to a clause $D$ will be
denoted by $z_D$.
The $4\binom n2$ comes from the fact that each pair of $(x_i, x_j)$
gives rise to four 2-cnf clauses.
The $2n$ comes from the fact that each $x_i$ can create 2 unit clauses.
And finally the "one" comes from the empty clause. So the total
number of possible 2-cnf clauses is $4\binom n2+ 2n + 1$.
If a 2-cnf clause $F$ follows from two other 2-cnf clauses $D$ and $E$ by a single
resolution step, then we add the Horn clause
$(z_D \land z_E \to z_F)$
to $Q$... Again, we do this for all possible 2-cnf clauses -- all $4\binom n2+2n+1$ of them -- not just the $C_i$.
Then we add the unit clauses $z_{C_i}$ to $Q$, for each clause $C_i$
appearing in the input $\phi$...
Finally, we add the unit clause $(\neg z_{empty})$ to $Q$.
The Horn formula $Q$ is now complete. Observe that the variables used in $Q$ are completely different from those used in $\phi$.