For the first question: Graph Isomorphism has been considered for at least the following parameters for which fixed-parameter tractability is still open.
- pathwidth / treewidth (see [2], has been asked here), maybe solved:
- cutwidth / bandwidth [1]
- treewidth-k vertex deletion set size (feedback vertex set number in [7])
- tree / path distance width (see [1]),
connected tree distance width (see [3], however you can get quite close to the last one, see section 6.4. of my diploma thesis ) : solved by Y. Otachi and P. Schweitzer :
- clique-width / shrub-depth (or SC-depth) (see [4])
- maximum degree [5]
- genus [6] / crossing number [8]
Note that there is active ongoing research for some them.
[1] : K. Yamazaki, H. L. Bodlaender, B. de Fluiter and D. M. Thilikos. Isomorphism
for graphs of bounded distance width. Algorithmica 24.2 (1999)
[2] : H. L. Bodlaender. Polynomial algorithms for graph isomorphism and chro-
matic index on partialk-trees. Journal of Algorithms 11.4 (1990)
[3] : Y. Otachi. Isomorphism for Graphs of Bounded Connected-Path-Distance-
Width. Algorithms and Computation. Springer, 2012
[4] :
[5] : L. Babai and E. M. Luks. Canonical labeling of graphs. STOC '83.
[6] : I. S. Filotti and J. N. Mayer. A polynomial-time algorithm for determining the
isomorphism of graphs of fixed genus. STOC '80 /
G. Miller. Isomorphism testing for graphs of bounded genus. STOC '80
[7] : S. Kratsch and P. Schweitzer. Isomorphism for graphs of bounded feedback vertex set number. SWAT 2010
[8] :