Say that I have a weighted graph $G = (V,E,w)$ such that $w:E\rightarrow [-1,1]$ is the weighting function -- note that negative weights are allowed.
Say that $f:2^V\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ defines a property of any subset of the vertices $S \subset V$.
Question: What are some interesting examples of $f$s for which the maximization problem: $\arg\max_{S \subseteq V}f(S)$ can be performed in polynomial time?
For example, the graph cut function $$f(S) = \sum_{(u,v) \in E : u \in S, v \not\in S}w((u,v))$$ is an interesting property of subsets of vertices, but cannot be efficiently maximized. The edge density function is another example of an interesting property that alas, cannot be efficiently maximized. I'm looking for functions that are equally interesting, but can be efficiently maximized.
I'll let the definition of "interesting" be somewhat vague, but I want the maximization problem to be non-trivial. For example it should not be that you can determine the answer without examining the edges of the graph (so constant functions, and the cardinality function are not interesting). It should also not be the case that $f$ is really just encoding some other function with a polynomially sized domain by padding it into the domain $2^V$ (i.e. I don't want there to be some small domain $X$, and some function $m:2^S\rightarrow X$ known before looking at the graph, such that the function of interest is really $g:X\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$, and $f(S) = g(m(S))$ If this is the case, then the "maximization" problem is really just a question of evaluating the function on all inputs.)
Edit: Its true that sometimes minimization problems are easy if you ignore the edge weights (although not minimizing the cut function, since I allow negative edge weights). But I'm explicitly interested in maximization problems. It does not become an issue in natural weighted problems in this setting though.