Given a $n\times m$ grid, let the bottom-left vertex be $s$ and the top-right vertex be $t$. Given $k$ non-consecutive edges on the upper horizontal line of the grid, I want to find an upper bound on the number of simple $st$-path using those edges.
If I see the grid as a box in the plane, I can visualize an $st$-path as a rectilinear curve cutting this box. In this way I can associate each cell of the grid to either one or the other partition, getting as a trivial upper bound the value of $2^{n^2}$. Is there any better?
I also thought that, if I am considering only the paths using the $k$ given edges on the upper line, then I can map each of these paths to a cut of the grid graph into $k+1$ partitions. Do you know whether any non-trivial upper bound on this number is known?
Thanks for the help!