The paper "Subquadratic Algorithms for 3SUM", by Ilya Baran, Erik D. Demaine, Mihai Patrascu has the following complexity for the
3SUM problem: given a list $L$ of $n$ integers if there are $x,y,z \in L$ such that $x+y=z.$
They state, "On a standard word RAM with $w-$bit words, we obtain a running time of $O(n^2/ \max\{w \log w, \log n (\log \log n)^2 \})$. In the circuit RAM with one nonstandard $AC0$ operation, we obtain $O(n^2/ w^2 \log w)$. In external memory, we achieve $O(n^2/(MB))$, even under the standard assumption of data indivisibility. Cache-obliviously, we obtain a running time of $O(n^2/ MB \log M )$. In all cases, our speedup is almost quadratic in the “parallelism” the model can afford, which may be the best possible. See the Baran, Demaine, Patrascu paper here.
Recently, a paper "Threesomes, Degenerates, and Love Triangles" by Grondlund and Pettie has proved that "the decision tree complexity of 3SUM is $O(n^{3/2}\sqrt{\log n})$, and that there is a randomized 3SUM algorithm running in $O(n^2(\log \log n)^2/\log n)$ time, and a deterministic algorithm running in $O(n^2(\log \log n)^{5/3}/(\log n)^{2/3})$ time.
These results refute the strongest version of the 3SUM conjecture, namely that its decision tree (and algorithmic) complexity is $Ω(n^2)$."
See this second paper here.
Clearly, both are important papers. Not being an expert to this area, my question is about how to compare the impact and significance of either, given the different complexity models. Any other insightful comments about this problem is also welcome. For example had the first paper already ruled out the $\Omega(n^2)$ bound?