I'm thinking about some properties of the empirical entropy for binary strings of length $n$ when the following question crosses my way:
$\underbrace{\large\frac{1}{2^{n}}\normalsize\sum\limits_{w\in\left\{0,1\right\}^{n}}\normalsize nH_{0}(w)}_{\large\#}\;\overset{?}{=}\;n-\varepsilon_{n}\;\;\;$
with $\;\;\lim\limits_{n\rightarrow\infty}\varepsilon_{n}=c\;\;\;$ and $\;\;\;\forall n:\;\varepsilon_{n}>0$
where $c$ is a constant.
Is that equation true? For which function $\varepsilon_{n}$ respectively which constant $c$?
$ $
$n=2\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\rightarrow\;\#=1 $
$n=3\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\rightarrow\;\#\approx 2.066 $
$n=6\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\rightarrow\;\#\approx 5.189 $
$n=100\;\;\;\rightarrow\;\#\approx 99.275 $
$n=5000\;\rightarrow\;\#\approx 4999.278580 $
$n=6000\;\rightarrow\;\#\approx 5999.278592 $
$ $
$ $
$H_{0}(w)$ is the zeroth-order empircal entropy for strings over $\Sigma=\left\{0,1\right\}$:
- $H_{0}(w)=\frac{|w|_{0}}{n}\log\frac{n}{|w|_{0}}+\frac{n-|w|_{0}}{n}\log\frac{n}{n-|w|_{0}}$
where $|w|_{0}$ is the number of occurences of $0$ in $w\in\Sigma^{n}$.
The term $nH_{0}(w)$ corresponds to the Shannon-entropy of the empirical distribution of binary words with respect to the number of occurences of $0$ respectively $1$ in $w\in\Sigma^{n}$.
More precise:
Let the words in $\left\{0,1\right\}^{n}$ be possible outcomes of a Bernoulli process. If the probability of $0$ is equal to the relative frequency of $0$ in a word $w\in\left\{0,1\right\}^{n}$, then the Shannon-entropy of this Bernoulli process is equal to $nH_{0}(w)$.
At this point, my question should be more reasonable since the first term normalizes the Shannon-entropies for all empirical distributions of words $w\in\left\{0,1\right\}^{n}$.
Intuitively I thought about getting something close to the Shannon-entropy of the uniform distribution of $\left\{0,1\right\}^{n}$, which is $n$.
By computing and observing some values I've got the conjecture above, but I'm not able to prove it or to get the exact term $\varepsilon_{n}$.
It is easy to get the following equalities:
$\large\frac{1}{2^{n}}\normalsize\sum\limits_{w\in\left\{0,1\right\}^{n}}\normalsize nH_{0}(w)\;\;=\large\frac{1}{2^{n}}\normalsize\sum\limits_{w\in\left\{0,1\right\}^{n}}\normalsize |w|_{0}\log\frac{n}{|w|_{0}}+(n-|w|_{0})\log\frac{n}{n-|w|_{0}}$
$=\large\frac{1}{2^{n}}\normalsize\sum\limits_{k=1}^{n-1}$ $n\choose k$ $\left(k\log\frac{n}{k}+(n-k)\log\frac{n}{n-k}\right)$
and it is possible to apply some logarithmic identities but I'm still in a dead point.
(the words $0^{n}$ and $1^{n}$ are ignored, because the Shannon-entropy of their empirical distributions is zero)
Any help is welcome.