edit: I just realized some of the things I wrote were total nonsense, sorry for that. Now I changed the proof and made the definition of probabilistic machine I am using more precise.
I don't know whether I get right your definition of probabilistic Turing machine: it is a machine with an additional tape on which an infinite incompressible string is written, and beside that it acts just like a deterministic machine? If we fix the incompressible string, the class we get doesn't seem to be interesting.
I think we can define a probabilistic Turing machine in several ways. I will use a definition that seems quite natural (and for which my proof works ;) Let's define a probabilistic machine like that: it gets an additional tape on which some infinite string is written, we say that this machine decides a language $L$ if for every $x \in L$ it halts and accepts with probability $>\frac{1}{2}$, when the probability is taken over those additional random strings, and for every $x \not \in L$ it halts and rejects with probability $>\frac{1}{2}$.
We will now show that if there exists such a probabilistic machine $P$ that solves the halting problem for the deterministic machines, we could use it to build a deterministic machine $H$ that solves the halting problem for the deterministic machines - and we know that such a machine cannot exist.
Assume such $P$ exists. We can construct a deterministic machine $M$ that takes as an input a probabilistic machine $R$ with some input $x$, which
- halts and accepts if and only if $R$ accepts $x$ (i.e. $R$ halts and accepts $x$ on more than half random strings).
- halts and rejects if and only if $R$ rejects $x$ (i.e. $R$ halts and rejects $x$ on more than half random strings).
- loops otherwise
Basically, $M$ will for all $i \in 1, 2, ...$ simulate $R$ on input $x$ and on every string from ${{0,1}}^i$ as a prefix of the string on $R$'s random tape. Now:
- if for $>\frac{1}{2}$ prefixes of length $i$ $R$ halted and accepted without trying to read more than $i$ bits from the random tape, $M$ halts and accepts
- if for $>\frac{1}{2}$ prefixes of length $i$ $R$ halted and rejected without trying to read more than $i$ bits from the random tape, $M$ halts and rejects
- otherwise $M$ runs the simulation with $i := i+1$.
We have to convince ourselves now, that if $R$ accepts (rejects) $x$ with probability $p >\frac{1}{2}$, then for some $i$ it will accept (reject) for $>\frac{1}{2}$ prefixes of length $i$ of the random string without trying to read more than $i$ bits from the random tape. It is technical, but quite easy - if we assume otherwise then the the probability of accepting (rejecting) approaches $p >\frac{1}{2}$ as $i$ goes to infinity, hence for some $i$ it will have to be $p >\frac{1}{2}$.
Now we just define our deterministic machine $H$ solving the halting problem (i.e. deciding whether a given deterministic machine $N$ accepts a given word $x$) a as $H(N,x) = M(P(N,x))$. Note that $M(P(N, x))$ always halts, because deciding a language by our probabilistic machines was defined in such a way that one of those two always occurs:
- the machine halts and accepts for more than half random strings
- the machine halts and rejects for more than half random strings.