How about the following transformation: Given a graph $G(V,E)$ with $V=\{1,\ldots,n\}$ construct $G'(V',E')$ as follows: $V'$ initially consists of two sets of vertices: the vertices $u_i, 1\le i\le n$ and the vertices $v_{i,j}, 1\le i,j\le n$ (a total of $n^2+n$ vertices). We add the following sets of edges: first, connect all $v_{i,j}$ with $v_{i,k}$ for $k\neq j$, so the graph now consists of $n$ cliques of order $n$ and $n$ isolated vertices. Next, for all $i$, connect $u_i$ with the vertex $v_{i,i}$. Then, for all $i$ connect $u_i$ with all vertices $v_{j,i}$ for which $(i,j)\in E$. On the other hand, for all $i,j$ such that $(i,j)\not\in E$ construct a new vertex $v'_{i,j}$ and connect it to $v_{i,j}$ (this constructs two new degree-1 vertices for each non-edge of $G$). This completes the construction.
The claim is that $G'$ has a vertex cover of size $n(n-1)+k$ if and only if $G$ has a dominating set of size $k$. The intuition is that any vertex cover must take at least $n-1$ vertices from each clique (giving at least $n(n-1)$ vertices overall), allowing us to select exactly $k$ of the $u_i$ vertices to represent the dominating set. The vertex that is left out of the $i$-th clique encodes the vertex of the original graph that was used to dominate $i$. Observe that the leaves $v'_{i,j}$ ensure that vertices corresponding to non-edges are not left out of the vertex cover.
Thus, the direction dominating set of $G$ $\to$ vertex cover of $G'$ is straightforward: select the vertices from $u_i$ that represent the dominating set and from each clique select all vertices except the one that is adjacent to a selected $u_i$. For the converse direction, first note that it is never optimal to take a $v'_{i,j}$ vertex in the vertex cover since these vertices have degree 1, so their neighbors must be selected. Second, observe that in any vertex cover that selects all $n$ vertices of a clique we can exchange one of them with its neighboring $u_i$ vertex, therefore we can assume that an optimal vertex cover selects $k$ such $u_i$ vertices. These must be a dominating set of $G$.