Given a set of $n$ points in $R^d$, the goal is to cover them with (finitely many) unit balls such that following conditions satisfy:
1) Minimizing the number of balls that are required to cover all the points.
2) Maximizing the inter-clusters separation between clusters, which is define as follows:
For clusters $C_i$ and $C_j$ (with centroids $c_i$ and $c_j$), their inter-cluster separation $R_{ij}$ is $$ R_{ij}=\frac{d_{ij}}{(S_i+S_j)},$$ where $S_i=\Sigma_{p\in C_i} dist(c_i,p)$ and $d_{ij}=dist(c_i,c_j)$. (Here, $dist$ is the usual $l_2$-norm.)
The exact algorithm of the problem should output optimal centers ${c_1, c_2, ..}$ of the clusters.
I have following two questions regarding the problem:
1) What is the inherent complexity of the problem.
2) If the above problem can be solved in sublinear query/time (in a similar spirit of the learning problem in the PAC model)? More precisely, by querying $poly(\frac{1}{\epsilon}, logn)$ many positions from the input the algorithm should output approximated clusters, i.e. $\Sigma_i dist(c_i, c_{opt_i})<\epsilon$. (Here $c_{opt_i}$ is the center of $i^{th}$ optimal cluster.)
Pls let me know if there if I am able to put the question clearly.