Jünger, Michael, Gerhard Reinelt, and William R. Pulleyblank. "On partitioning the edges of graphs into connected subgraphs." Journal of graph theory 9.4 (1985): 539-549.
states that for 4-edge-connected graph one can partition its edges into disjoint subsets of size $r$, such that each subset form a connected subgraph.
I wonder if the same kind of statement could be formulated for partition of vertices. For what kind of graphs one find partition of vertices into disjoint subsets of size $\approx r$, such that each subset form a connected subgraph (for each r)? I'm particularly interested in planar graphs, but would be happy with any class.
I can soften some conditions (it will still meet my needs): for what graph classes existence of partition into less than $\frac{\alpha n}{r}$ connected subgraphs of size less than $r$ is guaranteed (for some $\alpha$)?