Multiparty communication complexity and the Number-on-Forehead model were introduced by Ashok K. Chandra, Merrick L. Furst and Richard J. Lipton in Multi-party Protocols, STOC 1983, doi:10.1145/800061.808737.
The multiparty model is a natural extension of Yao's two-party model of communication complexity, where Alice and Bob each have non-overlapping halves of the input bits, and want to communicate to compute a predetermined function of the whole input.
However, extending the partition of the input bits to more parties is often not very interesting (for lower bounds, one can usually just consider the first two parties).
Instead, in the NOF model $k$ parties each know all except one number from a set of $k$ integers, with the number not known to the party notionally "displayed on their forehead" for the other parties to see.
Nowadays the numbers are usually required to be non-negative integers represented using at most $n$ bits.
The parties want to compute some pre-arranged Boolean function of all the numbers.
The question is: for which functions can this be done efficiently?
It is always possible to just send $n$ bits (for instance, by the second party telling the first party the number on its forehead).
The paper gives a non-trivial but essentially optimal protocol for the function Exactly-$N$, which is true when the sum of the $k$ numbers is $N$.
In particular, $k=3$ parties can determine Exactly-$N$ using $O(\sqrt{\log N})$ bits.
Since $N \le k(2^n-1)$, this is $O(\sqrt{n})$ bits.
The lower bound argument is Ramsey-theoretic, via a multidimensional form of Van Der Waerden's theorem.
The NOF model has been used in much subsequent work in circuit complexity: multiparty communication lower bounds naturally translate into circuit lower bounds.
One classic example is the link made by Håstad and Goldmann in 1991 (doi:10.1007/BF01272517 between fixed-depth threshold circuits of polynomial size, and the multiparty NOF communication complexity of the Inner Product function: a nontrivial lower bound for IP with a more than logarithmic number of parties would yield circuit size lower bounds for TC$^0$.
In the original paper the multiparty model was linked to branching program lower bounds, yielding that any constant-space branching program for Exactly-$N$ requires superlinear length.