I searched the net for a program to solve an instance of this particular variation of the subset sum problem. I did not find any program, but this page with hints. So I used it and attempted to implement it as described above. The following is what I had hoped to find when I searched. It solved the problem I had. For the next one searching (who could be me in 20 years); this is what worked for me:
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
-- Solves the subset sum problem for a given subset size. If the stack
-- overflows, allow more memory usage (ulimit -s <large value>) or solve a
-- smaller problem. Usage : subset_sum <subset_size> <subset_sum> <value> ...
procedure Subset_Sum is
type Tag_Type is new Positive range 1 .. 2**16-1;
for Tag_Type'Size use 16;
type Value_Value_Type is new Positive range 1 .. 2**16 - 1;
for Value_Value_Type'Size use 16;
type Value_Type is record
Value : Value_Value_Type;
Tag : Tag_Type;
end record;
Set : array (1 .. Argument_Count - 2) of Value_Type;
Subset_Size : constant Positive := Positive'Value (Argument (1));
Subset_Sum : constant Positive := Positive'Value (Argument (2));
type Flag_Value_Type is new Natural range 0 .. 2**16 - 1;
for Flag_Value_Type'Size use 16;
type Flag_Type is record
Value : Flag_Value_Type;
Tag : Tag_Type;
end record;
T : array (1 .. Subset_Size, 1 .. Set'Length, 1 .. Subset_Sum) of Flag_Type
:= (others => (others => (others => (0, Tag_Type'Last))));
procedure Print_Solutions
(SuSize, Last, SuSum : in Natural; Result : in String);
procedure Print_Solutions
(SuSize, Last, SuSum : in Natural; Result : in String)
if 0 = SuSize and 0 = SuSum then
Put_Line (Result);
for I in reverse 1 .. Last loop
Flag : constant Flag_Type := T (SuSize, I, SuSum);
if 0 < Flag.Value then
if 1 = I or else Flag /= T (SuSize, I - 1, SuSum) then
(SuSize - 1,
I - 1,
SuSum - Natural (Flag.Value),
(Flag.Value'Img) &
-- Uncomment the line below to append the sequence
-- number to each value.
-- Integer (-Flag.Tag)'Img &
end if;
end if;
end loop;
end if;
end Print_Solutions;
Input_Error : exception;
-- Tag the input values with a sequence number.
Set (1) := (Value_Value_Type'Value (Argument (3)), 1);
for I in 2 .. Set'Last loop
Set (I) := (Value_Value_Type'Value (Argument (I + 2)), Tag_Type (I));
end loop;
when Constraint_Error => raise Input_Error;
-- Flag all cells that should be flagged for subset size 1.
for I in Set'Range loop
if Positive (Set (I).Value) <= Subset_Sum then
for J in I .. Set'Length loop
T (1, J, Positive (Set (I).Value)) :=
(Flag_Value_Type (Set (I).Value), Set (I).Tag);
end loop;
end if;
end loop;
-- Flag all cells that should be flagged for subset size > 1.
for I in 2 .. Subset_Size loop
for J in 2 .. Set'Length loop
for K in 2 .. Subset_Sum loop
T (I, J, K) := T (I, J - 1, K);
end loop;
for K in Positive (Set (J).Value) + 1 .. Subset_Sum loop
if 0 < T (I - 1, J - 1, K - Positive (Set (J).Value)).Value then
T (I, J, K) := (Flag_Value_Type (Set (J).Value), Set (J).Tag);
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
end loop;
Print_Solutions (Subset_Size, Set'Length, Subset_Sum, "");
when Input_Error =>
"Wrong argument (try ""subset_sum <subset_size> <subset_sum> <value> "
& "<value> ..."")");
Set_Exit_Status (Failure);
end Subset_Sum;
Use case: Suppose that an organization had a meeting with a voting. The published information says that 5 shareholders with 4387 votes voted Yes. The electoral register lists participants with the votes 1, 4, 800, 19, 37, 505, 1002, 991, 1288, 455, 387, 367, 367, 199, 425, 1581 and 2054. The program solves this:
$ ./subset_sum 5 4387 1 4 800 19 37 505 1002 991 1288 455 387 367 367 199 425 1581 2054
800 37 505 991 2054
The program is designed to handle duplicate values by attaching a sequence number to each, making it unique. The sequence numbers can be included in the printed solutions. In the above use case, the sequence number can be useful as a reference back into the electoral register.