I used to like quirky titles when I started out in computer science but got bored eventually. Some authors manage to write titles that are clever, memorable and relevant but most attempts at funny titles results in unnecessarily long, uninformative and kludgy phrases that I find difficult to remember and look up.
There are papers like Pnueli's The Temporal Logic of Programs from 1977, which is absolutely straightforward but easy for me to remember. I'm guessing you did not mean memorable in that sense.
Leslie Lamport has several papers with memorable titles that don't strike me as trying to be funny. Titles of the kind you want are numerous and I don't think it's feasible to have a remotely comprehensive list, even of papers I have read and remembered or even of those that are considered significant. Nonetheless, let me recall a few, grouping them where appropriate.
The Writings of Leslie Lamport
Lamport describes the story behind various papers here. He has many memorable titles, though not all titles (or the papers) have been well received.
Time, Clocks and the Ordering of Events in a Distributed System, Lamport, 1978, a classic paper in distributed systems. The title evokes images of the diagrams in the paper, themselves reminiscent of special relativity diagrams.
'Sometime' is Sometimes 'Not Never', Lamport, 1980. Reading this I immediately work out the temporal logic theorems being hinted at.
The Byzantine Generals Problem, Lamport, Pease, Shostak, 1982
- "EWD 1013", 1988. Notable because only Dijkstra wrote EWDs.
- How to Tell a Program from an Automobile, 1996
- The Part-Time Parliament, Lamport, 1998. Better known as Paxos. See his page for the story of this paper and the algorithm it contains.
Paper Title Considered Harmful
(thanks to @Bakuriu and @ Kaj_Sotala, whose comments got me to expand this point)
Edsger Dijkstra submitted A Case Against the Goto statement (also EWD 215) to the Communications of the ACM and the final title was modified by the editor Niklaus Wirth to the famous title given below. This title spawned a series of replies. Such titles already existed in journalism as pointed out in this Language log article. In particular, recursive responses to "X considered harmful" with "`X considered harmful', considered harmful" can be found as early as the 1950s (Language log, A Roguish Chrestomathy). In this specific case, we got these titles.
- Go to statement considered harmful, 1968
Structured Programming with go to Statements, Knuth, 1974, which is a calmly written, beautiful article. He quotes Dijkstra's personal communication:
"Please don't fall into the trap of believing that I am terribly dogmatical
about [the go to statement]. I have the uncomfortable feeling that others are
making a religion out of it, as if the conceptual problems of programming could
be solved by a single trick, by a simple form of coding discipline!" -- Edsger Dijkstra, 1973
"At the IFIP Congress in 1971 I had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Eiichi Goto of
Japan, who cheerfully complained that he was always being eliminated." -- Knuth
"Goto Considered Harmful" considered harmful, Rubin, 1987
"""GOTO Considered Harmful" Considered Harmful" Considered Harmful?", a collection of responses from Moore, Musciano, Liebhaber, Lott and Starr published in 1987.
On a somewhat disappointing correspondence, Dijkstra, 1987, which ends with this:
Evidently, my priorities are not shared by everyone, for Rubin’s letter and most of the five reactions it evoked were conducted instead in terms of all sorts of “programming language features” that seem better ignored than exploited. The whole correspondence was carried out at a level that vividly reminded me of the intellectual climate of twenty years ago, as if stagnation were the major characteristic of the computing profession, and that was a disappointment. -- Dijkstra, 1987
There have been numerous "X considered harmful" titles since (see Google Scholar).
Logic, Programming Languages and Semantics
These are various papers in logic and semantics with memorable titles. I'll expand on them as I find time.
- The next 700 programming languages, Landin, 1966
- Scott is not always sober, Johnstone, 1981
- Impartiality, justice and fairness: The ethics of concurrent termination, Lehmann, Pnueli, Stavi, 1981
- Why people think computers can't, Minsky, 1990
- The benefits of relaxing punctuality, Alur, Feder, Henzinger, 1991
- Functional Programming with Bananas, Lenses, Envelopes and Barbed Wire, Meijer, Fokkinga, Paterson, 1991
- Once and For All, Kupferman and Pnueli, 1995
- Once upon a type, Turner, Wadler, Mossin, 1995
- Synthesis with Incomplete Informatio, Kupferman and Vardi, 1997 (notice missing 'n')
- The Joys of Bisimulation, Stirling, 1998
- From pre-historic to post-modern symbolic model checking, Henzinger, Kupferman, Qadeer, 1998
- Once Upon a Polymorphic Type, Wansborough and Peyton Jones, 1999
- Lazy Abstraction, Henzinger, Jhala, Majumdar, Sutre, 2002
- Sketches of an Elephant: A Topos Theory Compendiumm vol. 1, Johnstone, 2002
- Vacuum Cleaning CTL Formulae, Purandare and Somenzi, 2002
- Co-Buching Them All, Kupferman and Boker, 2011
- All for the Price of Few, Abdulla, Haziza, Holik, 2013