What problems are known to belong to $\mathsf{BPP}$ but not known to belong to $\mathsf P$?
More precisely, I am interested in independent problems, that is whose derandomizations are not known to be equivalent. For instance, it is known that derandomizing PIT and multivariate polynomial factorization are equivalent and I would count them as only one problem.
The motivation of my question is that it is common to say that "there are few problems in $\mathsf{BPP}$ not known to be in $\mathsf{P}$", but I was not able to find a list of them. In particular, if I have to cite problems in this category, I usually cite the factorization of univariate polynomials over finite fields, or the factorization of multivariate polynomials. I suppose that there exist examples that are not related to polynomial factorization, for instance in other domains such as graph theory or formal language theory.
P.S.: I find curious that a similar question does not exist on this website yet. My apologies if I simply did not find it (or them)!