Given a 1-D universe $U$ (e.g. $\mathbb{Z}$) and a set-of-sets $\pmb{S}$, where each element of $\pmb{S}$ is a closed, connected subset of $U$ (e.g. $[a .. b]$ given $ a,b\in\mathbb{Z}$) and $\bigcup\pmb{S}=U$, what is the quickest way to find $\pmb{S}^*\subseteq \pmb{S}$ with the smallest cardinality such that $\bigcup \pmb{S}^* = U$?
In other words, is there a fast 1-D set cover optimisation algorithm given that the sets you're working from are closed-connected?
It seems to me that the naive greedy set cover will in fact be optimal here, but I'm not expert enough to prove it. Can anyone think of a counter-example?