For $A\subset [n]$ denote by $a_i$ the $i^{th}$ smallest element of $A$.
For two $k$-element sets, $A,B\subset [n]$, we say that $A\le B$ if $a_i\le b_i$ for every $i$.
A $k$-uniform hypergraph ${\mathcal H}\subset [n]$ is called a shift-chain if for any hyperedges, $A, B \in {\mathcal H}$, we have $A\le B$ or $B\le A$. (So a shift-chain has at most $k(n-k)+1$ hyperedges.)
We say that a hypergraph ${\mathcal H}$ is two-colorable (or that it has Property B) if we can color its vertices with two colors such that no hyperedge is monochromatic.
Is it true that shift-chains are two-colorable if $k$ is large enough?
Remarks. I first posted this problem on mathoverflow, but nobody commented on it.
The problem was investigated on the 1st Emlektabla Workshop for some partial results, see the booklet.
The question is motivated by decomposition of multiple coverings of the plane by translates of convex shapes, there are many open questions in this area. (For more, see my PhD thesis.)
For $k=2$ there is a trivial counterexample: (12),(13),(23).
A very magical counterexample was given for $k=3$ by Radoslav Fulek with a computer program:
If we allow the hypergraph to be the union of two shift-chains (with the same order), then there is a counterexample for any $k$.
Update. I have recently managed to show that more restricted version of shift-chains are two-colorable in this preprint.
Permanent bounty! I'm happy to award a 500 bounty for a solution anytime!