I'm trying to find an approximation algorithm for a variant of the weighted set cover problem. However, this variation doesn't seem to let me apply the traditional set cover arguments for an approximation. I'd like to know if anyone has ever encountered a similar problem (and, if possible, have info on the approximability of the problem - I'd be glad to have a factor $f$ approximation as there is for set cover, $f$ being the maximum frequency of some element $u \in U$).
Say we're given a ground set $U$, subsets $\mathcal{S} \subseteq U$, $\overline{\mathcal{S}} \subseteq U$ and a forbidden set of pairs of the form $\{S, \overline{S} \}$ with $S \in \mathcal{S}, \overline{S} \in \overline{\mathcal{S}}$.
We can assume that every set is in exactly one forbidden pair, i.e. there is a bijection between $\mathcal{S}$ and $\overline{\mathcal{S}}$ that forms the forbidden pairs. We can also assume that $\cup_{S \in \mathcal{S}}S = \cup_{\overline{S} \in \overline{\mathcal{S}}}\overline{S} = U$, to guarantee the existence of a set cover without forbidden pairs.
Each set is also weighted by some weight function $w : \mathcal{S} \cup \overline{\mathcal{S}} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$.
I want to find a set cover of minimum weight in which no forbidden pair is present. That is, find $S_1, \ldots, S_k \in \mathcal{S} \cup \overline{\mathcal{S}}$ of minimum total weight such that $\cup_{1 \leq i \leq k}S_i = U$ such that for any $i, j$, $\{S_i, S_j\}$ doesn't form a forbidden pair.